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  1. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    When I retired, I retired my cell phone too. I'm appalled at everyone staring into their rectangles every time it dings.
  2. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    I'm not being clever at all.
    In fact if there is one particular field I am really really unclever with , it is electronics and I T technology.

    I just want the world to be a bit safer where possible and to hell with modern privacy phobia.

    It is an illusion anyway as your examples point out.
    At best we are only protected from good guy snoops ,
    certainly not from smart crimes, insider activity and all that array of crims .
  3. tonybs

    tonybs Porn Star

    Jun 22, 2015
    I want the world to be safer and Apple is doing its part.

    I like Franklin's take on this, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    I work in related fields, I have read Apple's argument, and I agree with Apple 100%.

    At the very least the FBI is being disingenuous, its a simple task to image the flash, then you can work on it without the safeguards requested to be bypassed. They want a tool to break into any iPhone at any time.
    • Like Like x 4
  4. anotheruser1

    anotheruser1 Porn Star

    Nov 24, 2009
    I completely disagree. The government will use what ever excuse they can in order to violate the privacy of every last person in america. The government has a very good track record of corruption and abuse and i will guarantee this will be no exception. Even if they can prowl through everyone's phones that doesn't mean they will stop any terrorist, but you can bet your ass local pigs will have a field day with the information. I would rather take my chances with a couple so-called terrorists than give the government anything.
  5. FeltPlay

    FeltPlay Porn Star

    Dec 30, 2014
    Welcome back RK, I've never advanced beyond a flip phone, no need.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    If they comply without absolute force one group says they are spying, if the refuse to comply the group will say that they are enabling the terrorists. Its a form of dual death either way.
  7. Wizard_thered

    Wizard_thered Porn Surfer

    Oct 2, 2012
    I believe the government is the last group of people I would trust with any private information. At the same time I believe Apple is only concerned with money and how this affects their bottom line.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. deleted user 777 698
      This is most likely true. However I have to side with Apple on this one. Unfortunately evil people have infiltrated governments at all levels. The one given for sure is, you cannot trust ANY government. Hell we are about to elect Hillary Clinton. She is involved in the biggest criminal enterprise the U.S. has ever seen. By their nature governments desire to control EVERYTHING. Especially YOU.
      deleted user 777 698, Feb 20, 2016
  8. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    If a back door became reality wouldn't people develop apps that would put a lock on the door?
  9. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    It's called ''GOVERNMENT''.
  10. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    Neither had past ties so nothing would have shown up. Did you expect full life time surveillance? That would be illegal.
  11. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    John McAfee Offers To Hack Terrorist's iPhone For FBI

    "So here is my offer to the FBI. I will, free of charge, decrypt the information on the San Bernardino phone, with my team. We will primarily use social engineering, and it will take us three weeks," McAfee wrote. "If you accept my offer, then you will not need to ask Apple to place a back door in its product, which will be the beginning of the end of America."

    He said this solution would solve the FBI's immediate problem with the cell phone and eliminate the concerns of privacy critics who fear the back door technology could be misused.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    This is the last guy that I would let tinker with my security, I knew John way back in the 70's he almost became a close relative, he is the least trustworthy person that I know.
    1. shootersa
      Huh. Small world. I met John McAfee when McAfee was just taking off. He wanted help with a Human Resource problem. I don't think he ever did fully understand what he was asking, and why I couldn't (wouldn't) help him with it.
      shootersa, Feb 20, 2016
  13. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    The only thing George Orwell got wrong was the year.....
    • Like Like x 1
  14. deleted user 1548766

    deleted user 1548766 Porn Star Banned!

    Feb 27, 2007
    When I heard that Google and Twitter agreed with Apple on this issue I supported them in their fight against Big Brother! :rage:

    But now that I've heard that Facebook also agrees with Apple on this issue I hope that the government raids them with guns blasting. :rolleyes:
  15. Trev1

    Trev1 Porn Star

    Dec 26, 2007
    Because, apparently, the demand from the chattering classes for safety from the current bogeyman, whoever the hell it is, overrides the right to be free from arbitrary search and seizure by the organs of the State. I've never understood the failure of people to understand Mr. Franklin's words, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
    • Like Like x 2
  16. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011

    I love that quote, thanks.

    I've recently heard something quite similar, and I'm not sure who said it because I can only paraphrase: "He who sacrifices liberty for sake of security inevitably ends up with neither."
    • Like Like x 1
  17. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    I just wonder what so many people have to hide ,
    that their paranoier,
    leaves them preferring to live with the perminant knowledge that any day ,
    their kids may be slaughtered in school , their parents in church , their spouse's and family at community center , or anywhere else ,
    rather than allow authorities to take reasonable steps to try to stop it happening.

    Are they all kiddie fiddler child abusing , drug smuggler , rapist murderers ?

    Have you all collectively failed so dismally to elect good trustworthy politicians and leaders for so many years /decades.

    One thing you can not escape ,
    is that you all collectively are responsible for the elected government and authorities you have.

    If they are SO bad what have you done about it ?
    and WHAT are you doing about it now ?

    This is the time for YOU to do your duty , to protect your family and your community and your society .

    Have you all failed so badly ?
    for so long ?

    or are you just a bunch of misfit junkie curb crawling yobbo dimwits ?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. slutwolf
      suggest you keep up 10
      I'm very well aware what people use phones for.
      That has nothing to do with my comments.

      Everyone seems to just want to kick donkey shit around as usual , instead of discussing the points I've raised ,
      and there are a few.

      Are all your politicians law enforcement and security outfits so bad, and so corrupt ?

      If Apples systems and security is so good , why won't their law assistance measures also be ?

      and a lot more ,
      like what is everyone so afraid of that protecting criminals and mass murders is more acceptable than trying to stop and or find them ?
      slutwolf, Feb 20, 2016
    3. tenguy
      You still don't get it, do you. It isn't the government, it's the criminal element that can exploit the backdoor that Apple would be forced to build. Sorry, but we are polar opposites on this. It's got nothing to do with "what do you have to hide".
      tenguy, Feb 20, 2016
    4. slutwolf
      So the law enforcement agencies involved, and Apple include criminal elements ?

      Otherwise , apple being so clever and good at security ,
      where do the criminal element get in on this action ?
      slutwolf, Feb 20, 2016
    5. shootersa
      Shooter will explain.
      The Government hackers; you know, like the NSA and CIA haven't been able to hack into Apples phone system.
      They have decided that since Apple built it, Apple will open it.
      And any kind of leak of how they did it, or any part of the code used to do it, would give real bad guys the help they need to figure out how to do it.

      And that means that Apple failed to keep it's promise to every Apple I phone user and would subject Apple to all kinds of civil suits.

      Which leads to the question; which do I value more as a right; my privacy or my security.

      Since the terrorists that are the heart of the issue have been caught (and killed) hacking their phone at this point has limited value.
      In the end, even as a patriot, I do not want Government to have the ability to hack EVERYTHING.
      Cause, you know, I may agree with what the people in those agencies are doing today, I may not if we end up with a Sanders or a Clinton or a Trump in the white house.
      shootersa, Feb 21, 2016
  18. deleted user 1548766

    deleted user 1548766 Porn Star Banned!

    Feb 27, 2007
    "Good trustworthy politicians and leaders"? :hilarious:

    Politicians by definition are lying incompetent dictatorial scumbags who couldn't last 5 whole minutes doing a real job in the private sector.
    1. deleted user 777 698
      I'm sure most, well maybe 60 percent of people that run for office do it for honorable reasons, but like the young convict that is sent to prison they soon learn bad habits from their peers. It must be extremely difficult to remain honest once you are elected to office.
      deleted user 777 698, Feb 20, 2016
  19. clarise

    clarise Precious princess Banned!

    Jan 28, 2011

    "I don't care. I have nothing to hide."

    The famous last words of every fool who stands against a wall wearing a blindfold.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. M4MPetCock

    M4MPetCock Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 15, 2012


    I believe your guys

    have cornered the market

    on those behaviors

    ...if I'm not mistaken.